Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Miniature Mirror Vanity - Tutorial!

Hello crafters!

I'm super excited to post another tutorial!

You are probably wondering what this tutorial is! Well, a few days ago, while I was tidying up a few of my crafts that I'm working on, I found a wood puzzle piece. It seemed like a perfect thing to make a craft out of, so I decided to put it aside just in case I got an idea for it. A bit later, while I still cleaning, I found a shiny mirror-like piece that I had cut off from a headband. I wondered if the piece would work with the wood puzzle piece, and it did!

So this tutorial actually turned out to be super quick & simple. I gathered the two pieces and a bottle of Elmer's Goes On Purple Dries Clear School Glue. Then, I just added some of the purple glue onto the wood piece. After that, I placed the mirror-like piece on top. Finally, I let it dry!

Once it dried, it looked like a perfect, and super tiny, miniature mirror vanity!

I hope you like it!

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