Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Miniature Icy Snow Cake

Hello crafters!

This weekend on the app, Crafty Amino, there was a super cool snow day crafts challenge. Was super fun, but for some reason, it was pretty hard for me to come up with a craft idea this challenge. Luckily, I finally came up with an idea. A few ideas actually, but let's focus on this craft for now!

Due to hurting my finger, It took a few extra hours to make this craft and sadly does not have as much detail as I had wanted.

Anyways, I'm super excited to show you all this brand new icy snow cake I just finished making! The cake has beautiful while icing on it, whipped cream on top, snowy sprinkles, and an ice crown! First, I made the cake out of white clay, cut out the cake piece, and flaked the inside of the cake and cake piece. Next, I made the white icing by mixing white and silver glitter Puffy Paint with a bit of white Simulation cream. Then, I spread the icing on the cake and cake piece. After that, I added a few decorations on top. I was also testing a new project to see if I could pour liquid glue into a cupcake mold and, once it was dry, take it out and use it as the bottom of a cupcake. I had ended up trying to take out the glue before it was dry and since it didn't finish drying, the piece of glue looked almost like a crown. Finally, I trimmed the piece up a bit and glued it on top of the cake

I hope you like it!

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