Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hot Dog In A Dog Bun!

Hello crafters!

A few weeks ago while looking at pictures of real food, I saw these adorable hot dogs in a bun, with the bun being decorated to look like an adorable little puppy face!

I just couldn't resist making my own version of these in mini form. So, that's exactly what I did!

 Let's start off with making the hot dog & bun!
First, I used beige clay to start working on the buns.  I just rolled the clay out & shaped it into a circle shape. Next, I rolled out the hot dog. I mixed black clay with red clay to make a dark maroon colored clay. Then, I used my hands to roll it back and forth into a perfect hot dog shape. After that, I glued the hot dog into the middle of the bun and folded it over. Then, I used a toothpick to shape out the ears. After that, I used a toothpick, dipped it in black Puffy Paint, and used it to dot the eyes and nose. Finally, I had used red & yellow Puffy Paint, spread it inside the bun & glued the hot dog bun to the plate.

Onto the fries & ketchup!

To make the fries, I just rolled out some fried yellow colored clay i had mixed awhile ago. Next, I placed it on a flat surface and flattened it to the thickness I wanted. After that, I just sliced them into the perfect french fry shape & mini size!  Then, I glued each of them to the place. Finally, I added a bit more red Puffy Paint to look like ketchup!

I hope you like it!

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