Thursday, January 4, 2018

Catgirl Climbing A Wall Sketch

Hello crafters!

I'm super excited to post this brand new sketch I just finished drawing a few minutes ago!

It's actually a sketch I made with Catgirl climbing the side of a building.  You might be wondering "Who is Catgirl?".  She's actually a character I recently made up, part human, part cat.  She has super speed, can stick to walls, super hearing, super sense of smell, a tail that can stretch across countries, and even flaming hairballs!

I started off sketching the drawing by placing a piece of paper on top of a picture of myself dressed as a cat, and using it to help start sketching.  After that, I just basically started editing & adding the building, bigger cat ears, and a longer tail.  Along with editing it a bit more & adding windows onto the building.

Been working on it for about 2 hours but it turned out pretty good!  Still need to work on drawing more detailed faces though.

I hope you like it!

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