Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bread Loaf In A Clay Basket

Hello crafters!

A few months ago I was working on making some beautiful mini clay baskets & a loaf of mini bread.  Been meaning to post it for the last few months but haven't had time.

Well luckily I finally found the time!  So now onto how I created the basket & bread!

It took awhile to make.  First, I just got a big ball of light yellow-beige clay, and tried to shape it around my fingers.  I just basically kept shaping it until it seemed like it was the perfect shape.  Then, I used a bottle top and a toothpick to make almost a ring looking texture around it.  After that, I used a toothpick to try and shape the top of the basket a bit.  Finally, I had brushed the basket with chalk trying to make it look like more of a basket color.  Instead it turned out to almost look like a burnt basket, but it still looks pretty good.

Now onto the bread loaf!

The bread loaf was actually easy to make.  I just used some beige clay, shaped it into a similar shape of a loaf of french bread, and used a toothpick to add 3 small lines in the middle on the top of the loaf.   After that, I brushed it with chalk. Seems the dolls left the bread cooking a bit too long also!

I hope you like it!

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