Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Blueberry Peppermint Cake

Good morning crafters!

Never exactly finished posting every single holiday mini that I had made during the month of December, so throughout the rest of the week I will be posting the rest of my miniature holiday food!

Right now, I have a new delicious mini blueberry peppermint cake! She arrived a bit late to the interview due to being snowed in, but luckily she finally made it!

I had originally saw some pictures of beautiful blueberry cakes with white icing a few weeks ago.  After that, I was thinking to make a white cream icing blueberry cake.

To start making it, I used a thick circle piece of foam for the base of the cake.  Next, I just covered it with some pretty white clay.  Then, I used a toothpick to slightly put indents around the side to make it look more like icing.  After that, I got some blue clay, tore off a few pieces, and rolled them until they were the perfect shape and size.  I had then attached them to the top of the cake.  They aren't my best blueberries though, I had forgot to use a needle or toothpick to poke a hole into each blueberry.  But, they were good enough . . .

I was actually planning to leave it at just a blueberry & white icing cake.  But a few weeks later, I decided that it needed something else.  Then, I ended up adding blue sun catcher paint onto the top and sprinkling a few pieces of broken up blueberry peppermint sticks.

Was pretty fun to make.  I hope you like it!😀😀

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