Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Vanilla Peppermint Icecream Sundae

Hello crafters!

This craft is another craft I recently remembered that i had never posted. I actually made this sometime around last Christmas.

Anyways, here with us now is a vanilla ice cream peppermint sundae!

It took awhile to make but was so fun! As long as I remember correctly, I mixed some caulk with a small touch of brown acrylic paint to make the vanilla color. I then used a toothpick to put it inside the sundae bowl. Finally, I added some cute peppermint decorations on top! I didn't use clay back then though so credit to the amazing miniaturist who made them!

It was really fun to make. Planning to make my own peppermints this year so I might just have to try making another vanilla ice cream peppermint sundae and see how it comes out this year!

I hope you like it!

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