Wednesday, November 8, 2017

SweetDessertVille - My MIniature Dessert Village

Hello crafters!

Wow, this is officially our 100TH blog post! I figured our 100th blog post should be a very special craft post, right?

Well in this post, I will be showing one of my biggest (and favorite) craft projects that I have ever created. This craft is called . . . . . SweetDessertVille!

The name really doesn't give many hints does it? Well last year I created a super mini village which was about one and a half, or two feet long. Of course it is not just any mini village though. Everything in the village is dessert themed! I had actually made it as a Christmas present & started working on it at the end of October 2016. Overall this craft took about 2 months.
Here is a picture of it:

So as you can see in the pictures, it is a pretty busy town. Starting off on the left side, you can see a pink cotton candy ground, then candy cane gates with the city inside. Once you have entered the left side of the city you can see that there is a little store, and farther behind is a chocolate dirt ground with a Christmas tree cookie in the middle. Keep going over and you can spot some little tables for the gingerbread people to eat on. In front of it there are some cute candy decorations, snow forts, and soon-to-start snowball fights. A little bit of candy is then blocking off the golden chocolate road where the gingerbread get in their self-driving peppermint cars. Go all the way in the back again and you can find a grape flavored flower cake whirly twirly. In front is a golden chocolate ball mountain with chocolate syrup drizzled on top. Right in front of that is a gingerbread sitting on a chocolate chair. Okay, check out the picture below and keep driving to the next part of the village!

. . . . .  and we're here at the museum! It is a smaller museum, just four display tables but the biggest attraction of this museum is the golden chocolate diamond! It is bigger than most gingerbread! A bit behind there you can see an active blackberry volcano erupting with strawberry lava, and farther back you see a vanilla icing mountain. Next to the mountain, you can see two little gingerbread houses and the giant bread mountain golden dark chocolate waterfall lake. Next to it, there is the fruit stadium, and the molded sweet bread rock waterfall with liquid cotton candy falling down it. Two more gingerbread houses are next to it.

Time to keep going! In front there are two gingerbread building a frozen icing man. (here snow has never been heard of, unless it is known as frozen icing) There is also the grape & golden chocolate castle and blueberry lake with a golden chocolate bar bridge. You can also see the golden chocolate with banana icing skyscraper.

Wow, so many places to travel! Lets now enter the giant peppermint gate leading up to the house of Miss Chocolate, the mayor of the town. In this place tons of gingerbread she hired are decorating her yard for Christmas. In the corner you can see her giant house which has two floors. In the front of her yard, there is an icing skate rink, little games and things to climb, another entrance, and a gingerbread having a picnic.

Finally in the front of the whole city, there is a reindeer and giant gingerbread holding a "Welcome to Sweetdessertville" sign. It is a bit messed up since last time when there was a golden chocolate thunderstorm and the golden chocolate accidently got on it.

Some of the decorations I had bought, some I had made and others were reused pieces. Like the icing skate rink is actually hot glue dried and painted with white puffy Paint. Miss Chocolate`s gingerbread house is actually paper with filling inside. Gray molded sweet bread waterfall is actually paper I painted, and the fruit stadium is a bottle cap painted and decorated. A good part of the project is recycled items, beads, pieces to board games or broken jewelry pieces that have been covered with Puffy Paint.

I actually used 10+ bottles of Puffy Paint on this project, couldn't even count all of the gold metallic and white Puffy Paint bottles I used.

Honestly this was one of the most fun & amazing achievements, challenges, presents, and most beautiful crafts I think I have ever did. I will soon have to be posting a gingerbread wipeout inspired course I made recently. 

 So as always, I hope you like it!

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