Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Red Velvet Cupcake!

Hello crafters!!

Just a real quick late night post after crafting all night . . .

Recently I finally made one of my first ever 1:6 scale cupcakes!  This cupcake is actually just a delicious red velvet cupcake.

I made the red velvet clay color by mixing some red and black together.  Had accidently made too much red velvet clay so it worked perfectly for a cupcake.  I basically just put the red velvet color clay into a mold and the main part of it was finished.  I then put some white clay into an icing mold and took it out.  I used a toothpick to texture the white icing a little more though.

Was so awesome to finally make a cupcake this big.  Although it doesn't seem like it, this cupcake actually took me longer than most of my crafts since I was trying to make the bottom of the cupcake look better and smaller.

In the middle of working on a new "Winter Wonderland" so I can't wait until later when i can take a picture of it!

For now though, I hope you like it!

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