Monday, February 5, 2018

Miniatures WIP Cakes, Cookies, Cupcakes, & Smoothies

Good morning crafters!

After hours of crafting, I'm super excited to finally take a break and show a few pictures of some new minis that I'm working on!

For the last few hours, I've been using mostly white clay to make tons of different mini dessert food! It becomes very easy to loose track of time while using clay. Luckily I finally got myself to take a break from clay . . .

So of course like every weekend, I'm crafting some type of giant craft for a challenge on the app, Crafty Amino, which of course, I'm doing today too! Planning on making a beautiful ice cake, still have to paint and decorate it though. After that, I started making tons of other minis! Including 13 cakes, cookies, 5 cupcakes, and 4 cookies & cream smoothies..

None of these crafts have been finished yet, still have to paint everything. I hope you like them so far! 

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