Thursday, February 8, 2018

Dollhouse Miniature Produce Bag - Tutorial

Hello crafters!

I'm here again with another tutorial!

In this post, I will be showing you how to make your own miniature produce bag for your doll's veggies and fruits! I actually came up with the idea while making one of my new prep boards, which I will soon be posting!

It's actually pretty easy to make. Here is the tutorial!

You'll need:
Saran wrap
Whatever miniature vegetable or fruit that you're using
  1. First, cut out a square of saran wrap. Cut out the size depending on the size of the mini food that you're putting inside.

  2. Next, I placed the mini food in the middle of the square of saran wrap that I had cut. The mini food I was using in this craft was some miniature garlic.

  3. Then, I wrapped the ginger inside of the square of saran wrap.

  4. After that, I used a dash of glue to just make the top of the remaining saran wrap sticky and twisted it.
  5. Finally, I glued the garlic in a bag onto the prep board that I was working on!

I hope you liked this tutorial!

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