Monday, January 1, 2018

Best Crafts Of 2017

Hello crafters!

 It's already New Years Eve!!! I can't believe it! Been planning to make a "best crafts of the year" post for awhile.  But after noticing yesterday that today was already New Years Eve, I just had to hurry and finish getting my post prepared. Now here are my . . . . . . . .  .. 12 Best Crafts of 2017!

 Well after posting making more than 200 crafts this year, it gets a bit hard to choose from all of them! But of course, there always seems to be a few that stand out from all of the other crafts and makes it an easier decision to make, so let's start off with . . .

 - Minnie & Micky Mouse Crafty Picnic! -

] This craft was so fun to create! It took so many hours to make and add the perfect details. I made all of it out of clay except for the white plastic packages with mini clay oozing out. Using clay and paint to draw and make Mickey & Minnie's faces was probably the hardest part. Had actually originally made it for a Crafty Amino launch Image Entry back during May.

-Tropical Volcano -

Back in April when there was a super fun Polynesian Crafts Weekend Challenge on Crafty Amino, I created this beautiful volcano! I had used hardened clay pieces for the rocks and toothpicks to make it look like lava coming out of the volcano. I had also mixed red air-dry clay with water to easily spread it onto the volcano so it would look like lava once it dried.

- Leopard & Habitat -
This was actually made for the Into The Wild Crafts Weekend Challenge and was the second Crafty Amino weekend challenge I ever participated in. I made the leopard and its whole habitat out of clay. Used black Puffy Paint and sun catcher paint to add the spots. Made it back in April 2017.

- Inspired By Disney Descendants Items -

 I used some clay to make this little table with 5 items inspired by the Disney movie, Descendants. I made the apple to represent Evie, Long Live Evil sign for Mal, the crossed red and black dog bones to represent Carlos, a golden cobra for Jay, and a yellow & blue crown to represent King Ben. Made this for the Magical Crafts Weekend Challenge on Crafty Amino back in May.

- Mini Mech-X4 -

 Made this adorable miniature version of the Mech-X4 robot from the Disney show, Mech-X4. Used white air-dry clay to make it and Puffy Paint to add all of the colors, details and mini robot parts. Hasn't been too long since it was made, I just made it back in November.

 - Hickory Dickory Dock Clock With Mice -

 I had actually made this beautiful clock back during June for the Nursery Rhymes Crafts Weekend Challenge on Crafty Amino.  It took a few hours to make but worked out really well. I used brown, black and grey clay to make it while using popsicle sticks for the base so it stands up. I had used puffy Paint to repaint the brown clay to look like wood and painted on the clock & numbers. I also made a few little mice to go with it since it was inspired by the nursery rhyme, Hickory Dickory Dock.

- Beauty and the Beast Rose -

I just love Disney's Beauty and the Beast so much that I decided to try creating a mini rose inspired by the enchanted rose in the movie! It took hours to make. I used a needle, toothpick, and paintbrush to texture the rose. I also had used a bit of sun catcher paint to make it a little glossy. Made it back during June.

- Christmas Leopard Santa Hat & Leopard Stocking -

 (For some reason my gallery is glitching and I can't get crafty to open the image. You can see a picture of the stocking & hat on the Best of 2017 picture at the first of this post.) Hand-sewed this mini Christmas Santa hat & stocking. Used red felt and some pretty leopard fabric to make it. Each took about 2 hours long to make. Really loved the end product, perfect size for a 1:12 scale doll! Made this craft during December 2017.

- Kitty in a Pumpkin -

Created this craft during Halloween, so made it back in October 2017. Took some hours to make the pumpkin, candy, and the cute little black kitty! I had actually mixed orange air dry clay with Tacky glue and water to make a sticky and semi-liquid substance to look like liquid pumpkin ooze. Was really fun to make!

- Candy Crush Color Bomb Charms -

This was a really fun craft to make! Being a huge fan of candy crush and playing it for over 2 years, I just love anything themed Candy Crush! It was actually easy to make though, I just used brown clay to roll a brown ball and stuck other little colorful balls onto it. After adding the perfect amount of colorful balls, it was finished! Had made this craft back in July.

- Holiday Cake & Prep Board -

Was actually my first ever mini food I have created with a prep board. Took a few hours to make the cake out of clay & use beads & paint to decorate it. I had used just a small piece of white fabric for the napkin and just cut out a piece of plastic into the perfect shape for the knife. Made this during December.

- Miniature Chihuahua -

And my for my final craft . . . my mini chihuahua! I had made her as a Christmas gift for someone who loves chihuahuas! Took hours to perfectly paint her, and add all of the extra details, but was totally worth it! Had made it during December for one of my 12 Days of Crafts posts!

 I started typing out this post early this morning right after I woke up during New Years Eve, but somehow I'm just now finishing it and it is already a few hours into 2018! Guess this is my first post in 2018!

I hope you liked them! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!🎉🎉🎉 

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