Friday, November 3, 2017

WIP Gingerbread House

Good morning crafters!

Last night I started working on a delicious miniature clay gingerbread house. It was so much fun to make!
I started by making it out of white clay. I made a square block for the base of the house and carefully used my hands to shape the top of the house. I also used a toothpick to draw out the door and window in the clay so I would know where to paint. I put it on top of a circle piece of clay with a peppermint gate so I can add a whole scene with it.

So far, i`ve just painted red & white Puffy Paint around the gate, chocolate stepping stones in the walkway and silver glitter Puffy Paint on parts of the roof. Still working on it but i`m pretty impressed, can`t wait to see once it is finished!

Hope to like it!

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